
I've Been Bitten

... by the videography bug.

I've had a hard time writing this post because it means I have to come to grips with what has happened.

I wrote months ago about how Ryan and I had decided to not hire a videographer. We had discussed it up front, and our reasons pretty much boiled down to the following...
  • We thought wedding videos were cheesy. I couldn't stand the thought of tacky transitions and horrible music ruining our beautiful day.
  • If all you're left with is photographs, you can remember your wedding as perfectly as you'd like. But as soon as it's filmed, you realize just how terrible you sounded reading your vows, or how awkward you looked during your first dance.
  • It's just one more unnecessary expense we'd have to work into the budget.
So the decision was made, and that was that.

... Until I started reading wedding blogs.

The first few times people posted their wedding teasers, and gushed about how fantastic they were, I intentionally avoided them. I don't want to see what I'm missing and regret our decision, I thought.

But one day I clicked that innocent little "play" button... and a whole new fabulous world was opened up before me.

Naked Opie, Julie Dots ... breathless from humanstory

To give you a little insight, I'll share with you that I do, in fact, shoot and edit video for a living. I edit video every single day at work.

But my video is blown out of the water by what these people can do.

Kim + Kyle // Wedding Highlights from Erika Rydell

And now I'm torn. A part of me is saying, Be sensible, Kelly... videography is a luxury, not a necessity. But the other half is screaming, I must have this! How else will I remember our wedding day?!

The hard part is, both sides are right. Videography is indeed unnecessary... but I've also heard that many people regret not having it once the wedding is over.

All Things Go. Video By BMP. from Video that rocks. The Weddings

Without a wedding video, you only get one chance to hear your husband recite his vows. You only get one chance to listen to your father give his toast.

You only get one chance. You either film it, or it's gone forever.

So what is "forever" worth to me?

(A few other fantastic companies that didn't have embed-able video (some of my absolute favorites!): LoudByte Cinematography, I Do Films, Delack Media Group)


Anonymous said...

Ugh, I'm right there with ya, girl. I have post saved in my queue right now about this very same thing! My problem is that I've only found one videographer in my area that does work I love. Crossing my fingers they're still open!

Laura @ Wine and Cheese, Please said...

Oh I've got the videographer bug too! We are still trying to make it work, just don't know if it's going to happen. We are considering waiting until January and then seeing if someone will give us a discount if they aren't booked at that point (our wedding is Feb 19). We will see how that turns out :)

Danielle said...

I flip flopped back and forth for the longest time on a videographer. My oldest sister then told me how much she regretted not having one and my mind was made up. My fiance on the other hand, it was a little bit harder to convince him. We are on a tight budget and paying for the whole wedding ourselves. I got to splurge some on the photography because that's always been the most important part to me.. so that didn't leave much wiggle room for the videographer. Most of the ones around here START at $2,500! I found one guy who was running a special which includes all day service and well wishes for only $700 and I was SOLD. Yeah.. he may not have some of the fancy smancy stuff that those really expensive ones have, but he still does great work and it'll be a video of the wedding and reception.

He's kinda an up and comer in the field.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to have a pro videographer! My sister is studying film and will be our wedding videographer. She'll do a great job, but it's too bad she won't have high quality equipment to work with. I love watching wedding videos!

Anonymous said...

I totally got bit by the cinematography bug after I watched these pros' work and ended up hiring one. Josh Gooden was a STEAL in 2010! In 2011, he charges TWICE as much now.


Anonymous said...

You might like these people. It looks like they use different formats including Super 8 and B&W Super 8?


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